The flow of volunteers melts me; But could not be told to rest - Ramada's letter to Bamakavina

With a few days left for the polling of the parliamentary elections, the founder of the BJP, Ramadoss, has written a letter to the party workers regarding the election work.

In a letter written to the volunteers by the founder of Bamaka, Ramadoss, “My life is more than my life, poor youth! If there is one creature in this world that never rests until it achieves its goal, it is called Patali Ilachingam. This is what I saw in my mind when I saw the hard work you are doing to make the candidates of the Proletarian People's party and its allies win the lok sabha elections.

Your work started on the day the election schedule was announced. You waited for the announcement of the list of candidates and immediately wrote wall advertisements. During the lok sabha elections, you are going door to door to collect votes, realizing that the candidates can't meet the voters and ask for their votes using the widespread constituencies. Pages are not enough if you want to list the work you do like this, you write about the candidate of each constituency, details about him, and reasons why you should vote for him, and take it to people on social media.

The effort you are putting in to make the candidates win all the 10 constituencies contested by the Patali People's party and to convert the alliance party candidates into lok sabha members in the remaining 30 constituencies melts me. Alas, our household children are working so hard, can we tell them to rest a little? My mind keeps asking me that. But since this is an election mission, should we be left behind if we relax a bit? And the fact that our lion cubs will not rest until they touch the victory line, even if we say so, prevents us from saying so.

There are only 5 days left for voting in tamil Nadu. We are at the forefront of the election process. If we are to maintain it, every day, every hour will be very important. Keep that in mind and work hard for the next 5 days. Pick the seed of victory and hand it over to me. Until then, keep on running, young proletarians,” he said.

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