YCP in defense. Bad publicity against Chandrababu...

As the elections are approaching, the incident of the stone attack on cm jagan (YS Jagan) is creating a stir. However, there is a strong argument that Jagane carried out this attack to gain an advantage in the elections. During the last elections, there was a similar attack on Kodikatthi. With that ycp (YCP) fell in defense. Not knowing what to do, she launched a reverse attack on social media. From the moment of the attack, ycp targeted Chandrababu as an assassination attempt on Jagan. Chandrababu's conspiracy is being criticized in the media and social media.

However, people and social media are reacting against YCP's campaign. Citizens are making a series of posts on social media saying that this is all a ycp drama. Kodikatti drama 2, Kodikatti on the day, Raii Netti today, thousands of posts are being made. Moreover, the irresponsible comments made by the ministers are also going viral on social media. During the pelting of stones on the bus of the opposition leader on that day, YSP leaders said that it was a drama. Ministers themselves commented that such stones are thrown only because they are anti-public. Reminding these comments, counters are being posted on social media.

In the wake of the attack on cm jagan, many questions are being raised about the security failure. If the CM's road show was going on, why did they cut the electricity? What are the officers doing to ensure security? Criticism is being expressed by the netizens. From 2014 till today, jagan has been making a drama before every election and posting it on social media saying that he will push it on the opposition. To gain sympathy for the attack on jagan, netizens are washing the conspiracies of YCP. "If your government, your police, your workers... it's like an accusation against the opposition," they are questioning. In the case of the attack on jagan, a large number of neutrals and social media activists are expressing many doubts on social media. On the other hand, ever since the attack, the ycp and the party's social media wing have been scrambling to cash in on it. However, people are not paying much attention to their campaigns. Jagan's dramas are not new during elections and they are doing reverse counters.

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