Big update on the firing case at salman Khan's house...

Yesterday, two unidentified bike riders opened fire outside salman Khan's Galaxy Apartment in Bandra. mumbai police registered an FIR in connection with the firing by two unidentified persons riding a motorcycle outside the residence of actor salman khan in the early hours of Sunday. He said that the police have recovered a motorcycle about a kilometer away from the actor's house and it is suspected that it was used by the attackers.

Now according to police sources, the registration of the bike that the accused used while firing is of Panvel. police are extracting information about the bike owner. police suspect that the bike may also be stolen. salman Khan's farmhouse is also in Panvel. Both the accused left the bike near Mount Mary Church and went to Bandra railway station before taking an auto or any other public vehicle.

From there both of them caught the local train and got down at Santa Cruz. police suspect that both have gone out of mumbai city. But it is not yet clear whether they went by road or by train.

According to a Bandra police official, an FIR has been registered against an "unknown person" under section 307 (attempt to murder) of the indian Penal Code and the Arms Act. The officer said that at around 5 am, two persons fired four bullets outside 'Galaxy Apartments located in the Bandra area and ran away. Actor salman khan lives in this building. He said that security has been increased outside Khan's residence and the police are scanning the CCTV footage installed around his house to identify the accused. The officer said that an investigation into the incident has been started.

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