In India, people curse the government every year..?

Tax means tax... This system is so old that you probably cannot even imagine it. This system is so old that even coins came into use after that. In ancient times, tax could be imposed on anything and anything could be given to pay it. For thousands of years, rulers have been collecting taxes in some form or the other from the common people. Taxes are collected on everything from grains to beards and rubber balls. The government has always been looking for new ways to recover its rights. Many rulers and governments around the world have imposed taxes on all kinds of things. Some strange methods of paying taxes have emerged in ancient Mesopotamia. National Geographic reported, according to Oklahoma state historian Tonia Scharlach, that a tax had to be paid when a dead person's body was buried in a grave. Seven kegs of beer, 420 loaves of bread, two bushels of barley, a woolen cloak, a goat, and a bed had to be given as tax. Not only this, there is also a record of paying tax of 18,880 brooms and six sticks in the name of a person around 2000-1800 BC.

Who first implemented the tax system?

Hundreds of years ago, egypt consisted of two distinct regions: Upper egypt in the south and Lower egypt in the north. It is believed that the tax system started from here five thousand years ago, around 3000 BC. Around the same time Lower egypt and Upper egypt were united by Narmer, Egypt's first pharaoh.

The early rulers of egypt were very interested in the tax system. He used to tour the entire country with his companions so that he could assess the wealth of his subjects. This included oil, beer, pottery, cattle, and crops. After this, they used to collect taxes on those things from the subjects.

The ancient Egyptian tax system became increasingly difficult over time. In 1539-1075 bc the rulers started uniquely imposing taxes. He created an instrument called 'Nilometer' and learned to tax people's earnings even before they were earned. This nilometer was used to measure the water level every year during the floods of the nile River. If the water level was too low, it would mean drought and crops could suffer losses. At such times taxes were imposed. Whereas if the water level is high then it means good crops and more income. In such circumstances, more taxes were collected.

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