YCP leader sentenced to 18 months in jail... What happened?

On december 29, 1996.. an incident took place in Venkatapalem of Konaseema district. That is, mla thota trimurthulu shaved two Dalits and the matter of torturing five Dalits also became a sensation in the state at that time. thota trimurthulu also stayed in jail for 90 days in this case. However, the case has been going on in the court ever since. After almost 27 years of trial, it seems that the court has given a verdict under the sc and st court Crimes Act.
For torturing and beheading the Dalits, the court sentenced the thota trimurthulu to 18 months in prison and also fined two lakhs. The court issued orders to the victims Koti Chinaraju and Dadala Venkata Ratnam to submit the caste verification documents while the final verdict was to come in 2018. But thota trimurthulu, who was the then mla, also complained that these victims were not SCs, and there were also allegations that they were denied the documents. After that, it seems that the court proceedings were completed as the orders were issued to submit the caste verification documents.
Besides, Kota Chinaraju, who is the main witness, died a few days ago. Kota Chinaraju, who was the victim, two of the five brothers died and two of the 15 witnesses died. It is reported that this case has been adjourned 148 times. But finally, they got justice after 28 years of filing this case. MLC thota trimurthulu was sentenced to 18 months in jail. Currently, thota trimurthulu is a ycp MLC.

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