Rates in betting board seats are changing..!?

- A scene that became a favorite of ycp within a month
- Betting on ycp between 88 - 92 in apps
- Falling alliance graph from 95..?

In the backdrop of the ap elections, the expectations of a month down the line are now changing. A month or so down the line, all predictions are in favor of the coalition. bjp coming and joining this alliance. In the selection of candidates, it could be Chandrababu... it could be Pawan... ycp is rising beyond expectations day by day due to the mistakes made by the BJP. There is a lot of confusion in the alliance. In such circumstances, more and more surveys are saying that the alliance graph is decreasing day by day.
Finally, pro-TDP media organizations and surveys are also saying that the coalition's grip is decreasing day by day. Until a few days ago i.e. about a month ago, betting apps said 60 no. They said that the party will win only seats under 60. At that time, most of the betting apps predicted that the alliance would get more than 95 seats. At that time, crores of bets were made. It is seen how the graph of the alliance has decreased if there is a situation where all those who bet that the coalition will win are now turning around and placing bets in the reverse. Now ycp has become a favorite among betting apps. The discussion is going on that ycp will win. jagan will definitely come to power. It shows that ycp will get between 88 to 92 seats. It seems that it has become a favorite. The reason for this is that there are more alliance mistakes.

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