What is the reason for the water shortage in Bengaluru?

Bengaluru's 15 million people require at least 2 billion liters of water every day, of which more than 70% comes from the kaveri River. Bengaluru is facing a water shortage because there has been less rainfall in the kaveri river basin. Due to this, the water level in the reservoirs of Bengaluru has reduced significantly. Currently, Bengaluru's main reservoir 'KRS Dam' is filled with less than 28% of its capacity.

Apart from this, there are many reasons responsible for the water shortage in Bengaluru, which also include the increasing population of the city and wastage of water. technology parks and tall buildings have now been built in what were once lush green areas. Due to this, the capacity to absorb water under the ground has greatly reduced. people from the poor section of Bengaluru are most affected by water shortage. Their health is also at risk due to lack of sufficient water for cleanliness and hygiene. people are seen standing in long lines to fill water from tankers.

How will India's dream of becoming an economic superpower be fulfilled?

In states like maharashtra and punjab, water-intensive crops like sugarcane and paddy are grown. Despite the high need for water, maharashtra alone grows 22% of the sugarcane in the country, while bihar can grow only 4%. Similarly, 80% of the water used to irrigate paddy fields in punjab comes from groundwater sources. Besides, the country also wastes a lot of water by exporting water-intensive crops abroad. This means that the amount of water used to grow a crop, the same amount of water goes out of the country through export. If the water shortage continues in the country, it will also affect industries and urbanization, which can hinder india from achieving its dream of becoming an economic superpower.

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