Even if DMK dumps a gold mine in coimbatore, people will vote for me - annamalai Hope

Annamalai said that the money earned during the 39 months of DMK rule is being poured for votes and said that people will vote for the bjp even if they throw away the gold mine.

A heated election campaign

There are only 2 days left for the parliamentary elections. The election campaign will end at 6 pm tomorrow. After this political party leaders are campaigning from morning till night regardless of the scorching sun. In this situation, as the election date approaches, political parties have started distributing money to nearby voters. The election commission is also actively trying to control this. Meanwhile, tamil Nadu bjp leader and coimbatore Parliamentary bjp candidate annamalai engaged in intensive vote collection in 28 seats in the Palladam assembly constituency under the coimbatore parliamentary constituency.

Schemes of bjp rule

Annamalai while speaking in Karaipudur then listed the projects implemented by the bjp government. He also spoke about the BJP's election promises to the public. He also said that the DMK government has failed the people by not fulfilling its election promises. Speaking further, he said that even if the gold mine is brought and dumped in the coimbatore constituency, even if the DMK shuts off the taps at night and makes money transactions, I know that the mothers will vote for Anbuthambi Annamalai.

  people vote for BJP

He said I have faith that you will stand by my side when I am fighting for you. annamalai expressed his hope that even if the money earned by the DMK in the 39 months since it came to power, people would vote for the lotus symbol.

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