2-year jail for collecting votes online after campaign ends: election commission warns

Political parties are engaged in a heated election campaign. election campaigning will end tomorrow at 6 pm. In this case, the election commission has issued an important statement that political parties and candidates should take note of. As the parliamentary election campaign in tamil Nadu ends tomorrow evening, the election commission has warned that those who engage in online lobbying through social media after the campaign ends will face 2 years in jail. The 2024 parliamentary elections will be held in 7 phases. Polling for all 40 constituencies in tamil Nadu and puducherry will be held in the first phase on april 19. A month and a half later, on june 4, the votes will be counted and the results will be announced.

Earlier, the political parties were engaged in a heated election campaign. election campaigning will end tomorrow at 6 pm. In this case, the election commission has issued an important statement that political parties and candidates should take note of.

The election Commission's report said:

Polling for tamil Nadu lok sabha General elections, 2024 and 233. Villavankodu assembly Constituency By-election will be held on 19.04.2024 from 7.00 AM to 6.00 PM. From 6.00 PM on 17.04.2024 till the close of polling under Section 126 of the Representation of the people Act, 1951, the following provisions shall be in force:-

(1) No person shall coordinate, conduct, or participate in any public meeting or procession relating to an election.

(2) Any election matter, film, television, F.M. It should not be exposed to the general public through radio, WhatsApp, Facebook, or similar devices. This includes all electronic forms of communication, including text messaging and the Internet.

(3) No person shall promote any election matter to the general public by conducting or arranging any musical performance any theatrical performance or any other entertainment or entertainment program to attract any person among the general public. Violation of this rule and the above two rules shall be punishable with imprisonment for 2 years or with fine or with both as per Section 126 (2) of the Representation of the people Act, 1951.

(4) All political party executives, party workers etc. brought from outside the constituency and non-voters of the constituency shall leave the constituency not later than 6.00 pm on 17.04.2024.

(5) It will be ascertained whether any outsiders are staying in the marriage hall, community hall, hostels, or guest house.

(6) Vehicle permits issued to candidates, including star speakers, shall become ineffective on 17.04.2024 at 6.00 p.m.

(7) The vehicle permit on the day of polling for every candidate for lok sabha elections shall be as follows:-

(i) A vehicle for his use throughout the lok sabha constituency

(ii) a vehicle to the lok sabha constituency for the use of the election Agent and

(iii) one vehicle for the use of the election Agent or his staff or party workers for each assembly Constituency included in the lok sabha Constituency.

(iv) Permits for vehicles mentioned above will be issued by the Returning Officer.

(8) to hire or purchase or use a vehicle by a candidate or his agent for bringing voters to and from polling stations;

No candidate shall be allowed. This is an illegal act punishable under Section 133 of the Representation of the people Act, 1951.

(9) A temporary campaign office of candidates' political parties, manned only by two persons, may be set up outside a distance of 200 meters from the polling station. They should not allow unnecessary gatherings.

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