Nara Lokesh.. National General Secretary of TDP. Asha Kiranam of tdp who will take charge of the party after Chandrababu. If everything comes together, ap cm candidate. Perhaps it can be said that this election is the last for Chandrababu. Because he is already 73 years old. This time they will be close to eighty. In this background, nara lokesh should shoulder the responsibility of the party's victory in the entire state and coordinate the party's cadre and move forward. But he is nowhere to be seen in the ap campaign.

A year before the elections, he took up a padayatra in the name of Yuvagalam and then gave some gap. Sankharavam meetings were held again. Almost all of these were held in the district. lokesh is not coming beyond mangalagiri at a time when he is supposed to be campaigning all over the state during the election campaign. At least the tdp alliance is nowhere to be seen in the House. Only Chandrababu and Pawan appear in these meetings.

The debate as to why lokesh is staying away from campaigning is going on in the tdp circles as well as across the state. Responding to the tdp leaders, they say that mangalagiri is the most prestigious for him, and then state politics.
However, they are criticizing cm Jagan, but they are not going beyond Mangalagiri. If lokesh comes to the campaign, there is a danger that the ycp leaders will raise the curtain on the campaign that he is the CM.

There are reports that Chandrababu lokesh is being distanced to avoid misunderstandings between the alliance. If lokesh attends meetings, he has to be projected as a future leader. This will cause rifts in the alliance. That's why lokesh is nowhere to be seen.

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