Amidst the debate on EVM, know about this machine?

On tuesday i.e. 16th April, there was a long debate in the supreme court on the petition demanding matching of voting and VVPAT slips. During this, the bench of Justice sanjeev Khanna and Justice Dipankar Dutta expressed unhappiness over the criticism of EVMs and the move to call for bringing back the ballot papers.

During the hearing, petitioner Association for Democratic Reforms' lawyer Prashant bhushan said that most of the voters no longer trust EVMs. He argued how voters in most european countries who used to vote through EVMs have now returned to paper ballots.

In response to this argument of Bhushan, Justice sanjeev Khanna gave a sharp reaction and said that we are in the sixth decade of our life and everyone knows what kind of problems had to be faced when voting was done through ballot papers.

In such a situation, let us understand in detail in this report what these EVM machines are and how they work, how much it costs to make them, and how the election process of the country changed after its introduction.

In india, for the last two decades, EVM machine i.e. Electronic Voting Machine has become the most important part of the electoral process. EVMs have been used in every parliamentary and assembly election in india for the last two decades. EVMs have faced criticism and allegations many times in their 45-year history, but according to the election Commission, EVMs have played a very important role in conducting free and fair elections.

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