Iran Warns israel Again, Saying Our Next Response Will Be..?

Iran's foreign minister played down the strike on friday, saying Tehran was looking into an attack that occurred overnight, but added that there was no proof of any connection to israel at this time. Hossein Amirabdollahian, the foreign minister of iran, told NBC news that the drones took off from inside the country and flown for a few hundred meters before coming under fire. "They're more like objects that our kids play with, not drones," Amirabdollahian said.

"We haven't been shown any evidence linking these to israel," he stated, adding that iran was looking into the issue but that, based on information from Tehran, media allegations were untrue. Early on friday morning, three drones were struck by air defenses above the central Iranian city of Isfahan, according to reports from Iranian officials and the media. Since they characterized the incident as an attack by "infiltrators" rather than by israel, retaliation was not required. Amirabdollahian issued a warning, stating that if israel retaliated and took action against Iran's interests, Tehran would strike swiftly and as forcefully as possible.

"If israel wants to do additional adventurism and behaves towards the interests of iran, our subsequent response will be instantaneous and will be at the utmost level," said Amirabdollahian. The strike didn't hit any significant areas or do significant injury, although it appeared to be targeted towards an Iranian air Force installation near the city of Isfahan, deep within the country. Regarding the incident, israel has remained silent. The white house declined to comment, but U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken asserted that the country had not participated in any offensive activities.

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