It is known that many attempts are being made by jagan to come back to power in andhra pradesh state. In this background, it seems that he has taken a bus trip aimed at power for the second time and has changed the face of the state's politics. YS jagan once answered the opposition's criticism that the leaders of the rival parties janasena and tdp Chandrababu and pawan kalyan were heroes. What is the idea of changing the political landscape of the state with a bus trip exactly two months before the elections? What is the change in recent political situation especially in state politics? Now the discussion is going on.

Assembly elections will be held along with the general elections. YS Jaganmohan reddy has taken this election very ambitiously. As a part of this, Memanta Saaraya yatra is also changing the political image of the state. YS jagan is conducting a bus yatra across the state in all the districts as a ycp president. There is no doubt that we will do without. In every village, every town, every district and every constituency, opposition leaders and activists are coming in thousands and joining ycp in the presence of cm jagan, giving a shock to both tdp and Janasena.

Many are joining ycp as part of the bus trip. Especially with the inclusion of the former, the jagan wave is clearly visible in 2024 in the upcoming general elections.. ycp is taking steps to win 175 seats out of 175 seats. Publicly announced their support... Also, 83 more leaders joined ycp before the yatra. Along with the joining of leaders, in the last 35 days, 1,05,000 main opposition leaders and field workers have also joined the YCP. All in all, it can be said that the bus trip went well for Jaganmohan Reddy. It is noteworthy that the face of andhra pradesh is changing as the leaders who will be with him till then join Jagan.

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