People are in the mindset of who we vote for... what change is coming - Premalatha

Premalatha said that it is distressing that in cities like Chennai, the affluent, the educated and the people living in flats do not like to vote.

1.90 crore people who did not vote

Parliamentary elections in tamil Nadu were completed on the 19th. About 30 percent of the people did not vote in this election, in terms of numbers, 1 crore 20 lakh people did not do their democratic duty in the election. The election commission has been criticized for not creating proper awareness in this regard. In a statement issued by DMDK General Secretary Premalatha Vijayakanth in this regard, people who are in a position to go to their hometowns and vote during the parliamentary elections, the bus fare, train fare, and all other transport fares are high, so the people have come to the mindset of whether they will spend and vote.

Apartment dwellers don't want to vote

Elections come every year in the summer. Therefore, the reason that the effect of the sun is high cannot be accepted. The election commission has not created much awareness among the people even though they have advertised that they should vote 100 percent. It is saddening that the affluent, educated, and apartment-dwelling people, especially in cities like Chennai, do not like to vote. It is a question of whether people are forced into the mindset of who they vote for and what change is coming. Even those who have already won do not go much to the constituency and do not fulfill their promises to the people of the constituency.

What will change if you vote for whom?

Apart from that, today's unemployment, poverty, and no one to solve the daily problems only proves the painful mentality of the people who vote for whom. If all this is to change, those in central and state government must pay more attention to people's problems. But social activists say that even if the ruling rulers pay money for the vote, they can win by using the entire media.

Create awareness.

Therefore, they have learned the lesson of fulfilling the promises made to the people and directly meeting the people who voted for them through this election. Therefore, Premalatha Vijayakanth requested that the election commission, Police, Judiciary, and the rulers should firmly instill confidence in the people and the necessity of voting in the future.

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