Controlling the movement of drugs! No one can save tamil Nadu! Screaming love!

I openly allege that the ganja business is going on in tamil Nadu with the tacit support of the rulers and the police.

Anbumani Ramadoss said that it is an undeniable fact that tamil Nadu is becoming a hub for drug use and trafficking. Anbumani Ramadoss, president of BAMAK, has stated in this regard: Umapati, who was under the influence of ganja, and his friend blindly attacked two policemen who went to arrest a ganja merchant named Umapati in Kannagi nagar, Chennai. Similarly, in kumbakonam Balakarai, a gang of 8 members who were under the influence of ganja brutally attacked the bus driver and conductor and two journalists who were filming the incident. It is a matter of great concern and shock that ganja addicts have left policemen, transport workers, journalists, and the general public feeling insecure. He has a full-time job doing it. He had no fear of the law as he was arrested several times for this and was released immediately. Umapati received information from the police about two men who had reported him dealing in ganja and tried to kill them with a machete. They are also receiving treatment in critical condition. He attacked the policemen when they went to arrest him in this case.

The people of Kannagi nagar have said that ganja traders including Umapati are scared of ganja addicts. The same situation is observed not only in Kannagi nagar but also throughout tamil Nadu. Beyond alcohol addiction, even children are addicted to cannabis. Even school-going students getting high on ganja and attacking teachers who warn them against it have become daily occurrences. Preventing the younger generation from turning to cannabis and preventing addiction has emerged as a major challenge. All types of drugs like Ganja, Opium, Heroin, Cocaine, LSD are available all over tamil Nadu including Chennai. drugs that keep you intoxicated for up to 24 hours are also widely available in Chennai. Drug trafficking and trafficking in tamil Nadu has been increasing for the past few years. It is an undeniable fact that tamil Nadu is becoming a global hub for drug use and trafficking.

  For many years I have been stressing about the increasing movement and use of drugs in tamil Nadu and the need to eradicate them. Even when I met chief minister M.K.Stalin in person, I urged him to control drugs. However, the government and the police do not seem to have taken any steps to control the movement of drugs. As a result, drugs are rampant in tamil Nadu. Whenever there is an increase in the movement of drugs in tamil Nadu, the police arrest a few thousand people in the name of Ganja Vedati. But the very next day they come out and start the ganja business again. I openly allege that the ganja business is going on in tamil Nadu with the tacit support of the rulers and the police. The truth is that if the movement of drugs including ganja is not controlled in tamilnadu, no one will be able to save tamilnadu after a few years. The most important problem tamil Nadu is facing today is drug trafficking and the depravity of the youth due to it. The tamil Nadu government should at least wake up and take serious action against drugs; Anbumani has insisted on making tamil Nadu a drug-free state

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