Crime: Mysterious death of young woman who left Trichy in turmoil; Boyfriend arrested

When a young woman suddenly fell while talking to her boyfriend in Trichy, the police department has arrested the young man for inciting her to commit suicide and is investigating. Jaya Sri (age 19) daughter of Govindarajan alias Gopi of Srirangam, Trichy. He was studying in his first year at a private arts college in Trichy. It is also said that Jaya Sri was in love with a young man named kishore from the same area. It is said that on the night of the incident, Kishore, Jaya Sri, and some of Kishore's friends were standing on the floor of a friend's house on North Chitra Road.

Then Jaya Sri suddenly jumped down from the floor and tried to commit suicide. The young woman who jumped down was lying in a pool of blood with severe injuries. kishore and his friends immediately took the woman to Srirangam government Hospital. First aid was provided there and then the doctors informed that they would immediately take them to the Trichy Chief government Hospital for further treatment.

There, the young woman died tragically without treatment. Following the death of the young woman, her boyfriend and friends fled the scene. Following this, the police department registered a case based on the complaint filed by the young woman's father Govindarajan, the police department arrested a total of 5 youths including the boyfriend and the boyfriend's friends, and conducted the investigation. It was learned that two of the arrested persons were included in the list of historical criminals. Suspicious of this, the police said, is this a suicide? Or a premeditated murder? They investigated. In the initial investigation conducted by the police department, it is said that the young girl and kishore had been in love since their school days, and when the young girl insisted on marrying her, Manamudain Jaya sree is said to have committed suicide by jumping down from the floor when the boyfriend refused. Following this, the police department arrested Kishore's boyfriend for inciting the girl to commit suicide and are continuing to investigate him.

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