Summer rains are coming to escape from the sun.

North tamil Nadu Puduvai and Karaikal will experience dry weather. From the 26th to the 29th, tamil Nadu, Puduwai, and Karaikal will experience dry weather. Heatwave in tamil Nadu for the next 5 days... chennai meteorological! The chennai Meteorological Department has issued a warning that the heat wave will increase in tamil Nadu from today for 5 days. In this regard, the chennai Meteorological Department has issued an announcement: An atmospheric circulation is prevailing over the Kumari sea region. Light rain may occur at one or two places in South tamil Nadu districts and Western Ghats districts of North tamil Nadu today and tomorrow. Dry weather may prevail in other parts. Light rain may occur at a few places in South tamil Nadu on the 25th. North tamil Nadu Puduvai and Karaikal will experience dry weather. From the 26th to the 29th, tamil Nadu, Puduwai, and Karaikal will experience dry weather.

Maximum temperature forecast for the next five days:

From today to tomorrow, the maximum temperature may be 3°-5° Celsius higher than normal at a few places in the interior districts of North tamil Nadu. The maximum temperature is likely to be 39°-42° Celsius at a few places in the plains of the interior districts of tamil Nadu, and 35°-38° Celsius in the plains of other tamil Nadu districts, Puduwai and Karaikal. From 25th to 27th, the maximum temperature may be 2°-4° Celsius above normal at a few places in the interior districts of tamil Nadu. The maximum temperature is likely to be 38°-41° Celsius at a few places in the plains of the interior districts of tamil Nadu, and 35°-38° Celsius in the plains of other tamil Nadu districts, Puduwai and Karaikal.


Humidity is likely to be 30-50% during afternoons in plain areas of tamil Nadu interior districts, 40-75% at other times, and 50-85% in coastal areas from today to the 27th. High temperature and high humidity can cause discomfort in a couple of places.

Heat Wave Precautions:

The heat wave is likely to occur in a couple of places in the interior districts of North tamil Nadu from today to tomorrow.

Weather Forecast for chennai and Suburbs:

The sky will remain partly cloudy for the next 48 hours. The maximum temperature is likely to be around 37 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature is likely to be around 28 degrees Celsius. It is noteworthy that no warning was given to the fishermen

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