Congress wants to loot from people even after death. prime minister Modi strongly criticizes.

PM Modi has criticized congress for wanting to loot from people even after death. prime minister Modi addressed a public meeting at Vijay Sankalp Sanganath Maharali in Chhattisgarh's Sarguja today. The prime minister then reiterated that the congress manifesto reflected the thinking of the Muslim League. He said that those who consider the congress as their ancestral property would not like indians to pass on their property to their children. Speaking at that time, the prime minister said, “Congress party's dangerous ideas are being exposed one after another. An adviser to the royal family said some time ago that the middle class should be taxed more. Now they have gone one step further. Now congress is saying that it will introduce an inheritance tax and tax on inherited property from parents. Maybe if congress comes to power you won't be able to give your children the wealth you have accumulated through your hard work. congress will take that away from you too. congress will impose higher taxes while you are alive, and congress will impose inheritance taxes on you after you die. They considered the entire congress party as their nation. Those who gave the congress party as ancestral property to their children do not want a common indian to pass his property to his children. Looting is the only mantra of the congress party.” He scolded that. Earlier, indian Overseas congress president sam Pitroda had said that there should be a discussion about bringing inheritance tax law like America in india too. Speaking about this, he said, "In the United States, there is an inheritance tax. If a person has an estate worth $100 million, when he dies he can only transfer 45% to his children, and 55% is taken away by the government. It's an interesting law, you create wealth in your generation, and you pass your wealth on." To leave for the public. Not half of it, it seems to me a fair law. In india, you don't have that law. A person is worth 10 billion and if he dies, his children will get 10 billion and the public will get nothing... So, people should discuss these kinds of issues. "At the end of the day, I don't know what the outcome will be, but when we talk about redistribution of wealth, we are talking about new policies and new schemes, which are only for the benefit of the people..not for the benefit of the super-rich," he said. However, bjp has criticized that congress has decided to destroy India. Many bjp leaders including Union home minister amit shah have criticized his opinion. However, the congress Party has explained sam Pitrota's comment on inheritance tax. The party's general secretary for communications, Jairam Ramesh, had said, "Sam Pitrota is free to express his views. In a democracy, a person is free to discuss, express, and discuss his personal views. But that does not always mean that his views reflect the position of the indian National Congress.".Somehow, the congress leader's speech regarding inheritance tax has become a topic of discussion.

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