Kashmir Valley Witnesses Historic Turnout In Elections...

Areas known for poll boycotts and terror threats today were bustling with electoral activity. Whether it was Pulwama or downtown srinagar, kashmir witnessed brisk polling after three decades. The Kakpora Polling Station in Pulwama, South kashmir, once notorious for grenade attacks, firing, and stone pelting during past elections, saw long lines of people waiting to cast their votes today.

This enthusiasm wasn't confined to one polling station but was evident across Pulwama and Shopian, areas long considered hotbeds of separatist and terrorist activities. Long queues were observed in all areas since polling commenced, including in the villages of prominent figures like terrorist Riyaz Naiko and Burhan Wani's hometown of Traal. The message was clear: Kashmiris have begun to trust the electoral process, recognizing the power of their vote to address their grievances.

This election marks the kashmir valley's first major electoral event since the abrogation of article 370, and the enthusiasm among voters is palpable. From srinagar to Pulwama, many voters interviewed by ZeeNews expressed various motivations, from voting to restore article 370 to addressing issues like statehood, employment, high electricity bills, and everyday problems. Particularly noteworthy were the first-time voters, totaling 2 lakh this time, who displayed excitement and eagerness for change at almost every polling station visited.

For the first time in three decades, the kashmir valley is experiencing an election relatively free of separatist boycotts and violence. Turnout was nearly three times higher than in the 2019 elections, with reports indicating that even family members of some terrorists and separatists in South kashmir cast their votes.

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