After 2002, Efforts Made to Tarnish My Image...

Prime minister Narendra Modi believes that the people of india will vote him to power for a third straight term, he told News18 in an exclusive interview on Tuesday, responding to a question on whether Muslim voters will back him in the 2024 lok sabha elections. Speaking from the banks of the ganga in his varanasi constituency, PM Modi also said that his governance model does not discriminate on the basis of religion or caste, stressed that he celebrated Eid with his neighbours in his childhood, and added that there were attempts to sully his image after 2002 — remarks that came amid a raging debate over religious polarisation in the ongoing seven-phase national elections.

“I have lived among Muslim families in childhood. I have a lot of Muslim friends. After 2002, efforts were made to tarnish my image,” PM Modi said.

“Muslim families used to live in our neighbourhood. On Eid, we didn’t used to cook food in my house as the food used to come from the neighbouring Muslim households. On Muharram, we were taught to go under the taziya,” he added.

The prime minister said that after 2002, when his image got tainted, he carried out a survey to know the ground reality. “In Ahmedabad, there is a place called Manek Chowk where people go to eat in the evening. But during the day, all businessmen are Muslims and all buyers are Hindus. I sent some people to carry out a survey in that market. When one of them spoke against me, the shopkeeper stopped him and said ‘do not say a word against Modi. My kids are going to school because of Modi.’ Almost 90 per cent shop owners had the same thing to say,” PM Modi said.

He narrated another incident where, he said, that a woman came to him from the Muslim-dominated Juhapura area and congratulated him. “She appreciated me for my work on getting electricity in every house. I said but I have cut connections, how is it good. She said it’s good because people used to steal the government’s electricity and take money to give us electricity connections,” he said.

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