It is known that an unexpected turn took place with the entry of sharmila in the ap elections. sharmila, who worked hard for YCP's victory in the 2014 and 2019 elections, took responsibility on behalf of the congress party in this election and worked as hard as she had to for the defeat of YCP. It is known that sharmila criticized avinash Reddy and Jaganmohan reddy more than Chandrababu and Pawan.
But sharmila Viveka's murder case was made the main issue in defeating ycp in the elections. She tried to get sympathy votes by repeatedly mentioning Viveka's murder case. However, the supreme court stayed the order given by the kadapa court not to talk about Viveka's murder case. sharmila reacted to this verdict as the verdict came in their favor in the supreme Court.


Sharmila said in a post, "The supreme court has stayed the murder of Viveka in order to stop the vile minds of evil spirits. Yesterday it was proved that justice will always win in the battle of righteousness by turning back the monstrous attack on freedom of expression. In the end, we will show that victory and truth will be on the side of justice." But ycp fans are questioning why they did not criticize before entering politics.

Will sharmila go to any lengths for political purposes? If there are disagreements in the family, should you take a political side? They are asking. sharmila Jagan, who sheds tears by one word of Jagan, is being commented saying that she can say any number of words. ycp fans are of the opinion that sharmila will be taught the facts with the election results. ycp is confident that it will win this election again. It is noteworthy that there is no confidence at that level among the pro-TDP leaders.

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