Assembly elections in the state of andhra pradesh were completed on May 13. The election result will be declared on 4th June. This time polling has been recorded at a record level. More than 78% votes were cast. Women, old people and rural people voted more. The YSRCP party strongly believes that this increased polling percentage will go well with them and because of that, jagan will come back to power. It also revealed that jagan is ready to take oath for the second time. It recently posted that jagan will take oath as cm for the second time in Visakhapatnam on june 9.

"Counting of votes on june 4, YSRCP going to register huge victory, Jagananna to be sworn in for second term in Vizag. Get ready to celebrate!" YSRCP made a statement through a post. This post has now gone viral. It has also become a sensation in ap politics. Many are making sure that Jaganna is really going to win. The supporters of TDP, like KCR, announced earlier that they were going to hit a hat-trick and then bit their tongues and are complaining that the same situation will happen to YCP.

Some people are commenting that jagan ran away to london if he is the winner and he will run away to the admin place because he already knows that he will lose and this will be his last contest. In any case, women, old people, parents of school students, small car traders, auto drivers who have benefited from jagan will vote for YCP. According to exit polls, ycp is likely to get 120+ seats. Therefore, it is not enough to easily say that he will be defeated. Otherwise, we cannot say that we will win, so we have to wait till june 4.

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