Weather Update: Cities from rajasthan to Uttarakhand

which are scorching due to intense heat, the temperature reached 47 degrees in Barmed.

Weather Update: The heat this year seems to be breaking all the old records. In dehradun itself the temperature has crossed 40 degrees. It is extremely hot in rajasthan and delhi also.

Many states of the country are still scorching due to the heat. Heat Wave Alert has been issued from delhi to Rajasthan. The scorching heat continues to wreak havoc in punjab and haryana also. The temperature in Barmer has gone up to 47 degrees. The heat in dehradun, the capital of the hilly state Uttarakhand, has broken a 7-year-old record. The mercury has crossed 40 degrees in Dehradun. The Meteorological Department estimates that there may be severe heat in most parts of North india for the next 5 days.

Extreme heat from delhi to Rajasthan

The Meteorological Department (IMD) estimates that heat and heat wave will prevail in large parts of North india for the next 5 days. Heat wave alert has been issued for the next 5 days in Eastern and Central India. No rain is expected in delhi, rajasthan and haryana till May 23.

Temperature broke records in these cities

Record temperatures were recorded in many cities on Friday. In Barmer the temperature has reached 47 degrees and in agra the temperature has reached 46.9 degrees. A record temperature of 44.9 degrees was recorded in gwalior on friday and 44.5 degrees in Patiala. Heat wave alert has also been issued for all these cities for the next 5 days.

Monsoon will hit kerala on May 31

An alert of heavy rain has been issued in many states of Northeast and South India. Monsoon may hit kerala on 31 May. In the recent update of IMD, it has been predicted that the South West Monsoon will reach South andaman Sea, South east Bay of bengal and Nicobar Islands on 19th March.

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