Vishvendra Singh accuses wife and son…

Former minister of rajasthan and member of the former royal family of Bharatpur, Vishvender Singh has reached court against his wife and son. Vishvendra Singh alleges that for the past several years he has been harassed mentally and physically, is not given proper food and now he has been thrown out of the house.

In the petition filed in the Sub Divisional Magistrate court, Vishvendra Singh has said that his wife divya Singh and son Anirudh Singh do not allow him to live a proper life. In such a situation, he has demanded from the court that the maintenance expenses of his wife and son should be provided. He has made this application under the 'Maintenance and Welfare of parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007'.

Vishvendra Singh's wife and son also made allegations

Not only this, along with wife and former Bharatpur mp divya Singh, son has also accused Vishvendra Singh of selling ancestral property and tarnishing his image. In his petition, 62-year-old Vishvendra Singh has written that he is suffering from serious heart disease and will not be able to face depression.

Vishvendra Singh has also alleged that even after getting infected with Corona twice in the year 2021 and 2022, his wife and son did not take care of him and have been rebelling against him for the last few years. Vishvendra Singh has also accused divya and Anirudh Singh of assault. In the application filed in the court, it is written that they were beaten and their clothes along with important documents were also burnt. There have also been allegations of verbal harassment and not being allowed to meet anyone.

Demand for compensation of Rs 5 lakh every month

Vishvendra Singh claims that he is living somewhere else after being evicted from his palace. Initially he lived in a government residence in jaipur and later took rooms in hotels. Vishvendra Singh alleges that the ancestral property worth crores of rupees, including antiques, trophies, paintings and furniture kept in the palace, is now in the possession of his wife and son. In such a situation, Vishvendra Singh has demanded Rs 5 lakh every month as maintenance from his wife and son and has also written that the ownership of the palace and all the properties should be transferred to them.

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