55 degree temperature on India-Pak border...

Rajasthan is in the grip of scorching heat and heatwave. The Meteorological Department has predicted further increase in temperature in the coming days. The government has issued guidelines regarding heatwave. fire is raining from the sky on the western border of India-Pakistan. The temperature has crossed 55 to 56 degrees Celsius. Male and female BSF soldiers are on duty guarding the border in the scorching heat. For the last one week, the instrument installed to measure the temperature is also showing between 54 to 56 degrees.

The temperature measuring instrument pans on the sandy shores of the desert. Instead of temperature, the screen goes black. The temperature of BSF camp remains at 53 to 54 degrees. It is difficult to even stand near the fencing in the heat of summer. After standing for 10 minutes, all the blood in the body will dry up. Amidst the scorching heat, the soldiers are engaged in protecting the country. The youth try to get relief from the heat by wearing clothes on their faces, along with water bottles and glasses on their eyes.

BSF soldiers protecting the border in the scorching heat

BSF spokesperson Rajkumar Yadav said that it was as if the sand had turned into a river of fire. Male and female soldiers are continuously deployed for the security of the borders. In the scorching heat, soldiers have been instructed to protect themselves from heat and temperature. It has been asked to keep lemon and onion together. Many times soldiers get blisters on their feet due to the heat. Many times youth also become victims of heat stroke. Still, soldiers are deployed on the borders with full alertness to protect the country. Meteorologists say that hot and dry western winds are blowing. Due to this, there is severe heat wave in entire Rajasthan. The temperature reaches 0 degrees during the winter season on the India-Pakistan border of western Rajasthan. During summer the temperature crosses 50 degrees.

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