Arvind kejriwal said, '... I too would voted for PM…

CM arvind kejriwal, who has campaigned for the party and india Alliance across the country including delhi during the six phases of lok sabha elections, has now reached Punjab. He wants to ensure the victory of aam aadmi party on all 13 lok sabha seats in punjab in the final phase. For this he is campaigning vigorously in Punjab.   In this sequence, he addressed businessmen and industrialists in the Town Hall of amritsar on Monday. He appealed to the businessmen to vote in favor of the common man on june 1st.

'Prime minister does not talk on these issues'

In his address at the Town Hall of amritsar, he said that when the youth of punjab watch tv and hear PM narendra modi talking on it, prime minister narendra modi does not talk about inflation. He does not say a single thing on the issue of unemployment among the youth. What does PM say? He says, "If you vote for india Alliance, they will snatch away the buffalo after the elections. If you have two buffaloes, then they will take away one of them. They will snatch the mangalsutra. The PM says that the people of india Alliance will take away your buffalo. Will cut off the electricity? I don't understand what they are saying?" arvind kejriwal said, "The prime minister does not care about us at all. He does not talk about our problems. If the prime minister told me, vote for me, I will reduce the price of your petrol. I will reduce the price of diesel. I will reduce the prices of milk for children. I will also give employment to your children.

'Modi has no solution to the problems'

The truth is that PM Modi has no solution to our problems. It seems as if they are living in another world. Now he has become God. Have started saying strange things. I heard a speech by him three days ago. In that he was saying that if you vote for the people of india Alliance then they will snatch your water and run away. Hey brother, why would they snatch the pot and run away? Why would indians snatch Mangalsutra?

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