RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on Manipur Violence

'Manipur is burning with violence for a year, think on priority'

Mohan Bhagwat On Manipur Violence: Mohan Bhagwat has given his first public statement on monday after the lok sabha election results. He said on Manipur violence that the state has been waiting for peace for a year.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat spoke on Manipur Violence, 'Manipur is burning with violence for a year, think on priority'

RSS chief spoke on Manipur violence

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has given a public statement on monday after the lok sabha election (Lok Sabha election Result 2024) results. Expressing concern over the Manipur violence, he said that the entire state has been burning in the fire of violence for the last one year. Manipur will have to be given priority by coming out of the election environment. Even after a year of violence that erupted in May last year, the state is still burning in the fire of violence. On monday, the convoy of state cm N. Biren Singh was also attacked.

Bhagwat said, 'Manipur will have to be given priority'

Mohan Bhagwat said on the Manipur violence, 'Manipur has been facing violence for the last one year. The state is waiting for peace. An incident happened and it suddenly created tension. Before this, there was peaceful situation in the state for 10 years. It seemed that the violence and gun culture of the state is now over. Suddenly the situation there became tense and we are waiting for peace for a year.'

Manipur has been waiting for peace for a year. Before this, it was peaceful for 10 years. It seemed that the old gun culture has ended. And suddenly the conflict that arose or was created there, is still burning in its fire, it is crying for help. Who will pay attention to this? It is our duty to consider it by giving priorityBhagwat also spoke on the election process

The Sangh chief said on the election that elections are a process of building consensus. elections are necessary in a democratic system, because both sides of any question should come forward in Parliament. Without naming anyone, he said, 'There should be no incidents of spreading lies about each other or misusing technology during election campaign.'

He said that now the election results have come and a new government has also been formed in the country. He said, 'I urge everyone to get out of the election frenzy and think about the current problems of the country.'

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