Thiruvananthapuram sources have stated that Kerala's all women self-help group, "Kudumbashree' is getting ready to set up a school to impart training for its 43 lakh members targeting their socio-cultural, educational and overall personality development.

It was stated that the training school is envisaged to provide the members, majority of them ordinary homemakers, knowledge and information in various subjects and improve their intelligence quotient and confidence level.

Image result for Kerala’s Kudumbashree

Meanwhile according to a top official, the school project will be implemented through the government's informal education programme being implemented centering 'Ayalkoottams' (neighborhood groups) under Kudumbashree.

Kudumbashree has a three-tier structure for its women community network, with Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs) at the lowest level. Kudumbashree Executive Director S Harikishore, IAS said "The core objective of the initiative is to create awareness among the grass root level women about their social responsibilities and improve their standard of living through knowledge".


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