Hyderabad sources have stated that the Reserve Bank of India has on Friday clarified that the Rs 10 coin was valid and was very much in circulation. Sources have stated that those refusing to accept the Rs 10 coin could end up facing legal action. Meanwhile it scoffed at the rumors that the coin was banned. It said minor changes in the coin are also acceptable and it asked people not to believe in rumors.

Further there are reports from various corners of the country that shopkeepers, kiosks owners and auto rickshaw drivers are not accepting Rs 10 coins. At several places, the people are even visiting banks to exchange the coins for notes. The RBI said if anyone is refusing to accept the Rs 10 coin, one can lodge a complaint by calling up 044 - 25399222.

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Earlier in June, the RBI issued a new R10 coin, six years after it was introduced. Coins are minted at four government mints located in Mumbai, Kolkata, Noida and Saifabad and Cherlapally in Hyderabad city.

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