Even in the number one web search engine company Google, there have been complaints pertaining to the ongoing Me Too campaign. Google CEO Sundar Pichai has said that 48 miscreants who had given sexual harassment to women working in the organization have been sacked from their jobs are Google.


A movement against sexual harassment and abuse against women has been going on worldwide, and the campaign named Me Too has gained prominence in the recent days, with women coming out in the open to reveal sexual offenders and the dark faces of hiding sexual predators in their workplaces and industries.

 Image result for MeToo doesn't spare even Google by sundar pichai

This Me too campaign has not spared any industry be it cinema or politics or media, and now it has been revealed that there were sexual harassment issues even in the number one search engine company Google and CEO Sundar Pichai has revealed that in the past 2 years, there were numerous complaints, and more than 48 people have been sacked with immediate effect from their jobs in Google. He also added that they were not even given any post exit job benefits by the organization. 

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