A lady who was unexpectedly laid off from LinkedIn in May 2023 has not only recovered, but prospered in her profession, earning double the wage at Google. According to business Insider, the woman, who had considered LinkedIn her ideal job, was taken aback by the news of the layoffs.

After being rejected for numerous other positions at the firm, the lady had developed a good picture of LinkedIn as the ideal workplace. However, the unexpected layoffs broke this perspective, leaving her feeling as if a piece of her identity had been unceremoniously removed.

Reflecting on her time at LinkedIn, she admitted to living in a bubble where her daily routine, social circle, and even her partner's profession were all linked to the corporation. The event caused her to rethink her self-worth in relation to her career and the actual definition of success. She argued that LinkedIn's layoffs may have been avoided if the firm had made more prudent recruiting decisions and properly prepared for economic uncertainty following the COVID-19 epidemic.

Layoffs had a far-reaching influence on the company's culture. Many of her colleagues, both at LinkedIn and Google, opted to quit their employment in the months that followed owing to a widespread negative atmosphere within the organisations.

The woman advised individuals in similar positions to embrace layoffs as chances for personal and professional development. She underlined that her personal journey post-layoff featured tremendous professional growth, virtually tripling her income, and finding a workplace more suited to her at Google's Dublin location.

Her journey also involved a time of travel, which eventually led to a post at Google. The woman's experience demonstrates tenacity and the possibility of excellent outcomes despite unanticipated professional setbacks. As she continues to succeed in her new career, she emphasises the significance of not allowing one's self-worth to be completely determined by their profession and avoiding an overly strong commitment to a single organisation. Furthermore, firms such as Microsoft, Google, and amazon have lately laid off thousands of people to save expenses.

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