An ola taxi driver is accused of hitting a guy in front of his 6-year-old kid. The man, kiran Verma, posted a description of the upsetting experience on LinkedIn on march 1.
According to Kiran's article, the event happened in delhi last month when he and his son scheduled an ola taxi to pick up a person from the airport. kiran claims that the driver confronted her because she insisted on cancelling the journey and paying cash.
When the driver purportedly drove a completely different route because of a traffic block, the scenario became more heated.

Kiran went on to say that the ola support executive he was on call with advised him not to give the driver payment. He even instructed kiran to avoid speaking with the driver, and kiran complied.
"This triggered the driver as he was listening to the call over loudspeaker and again slapped me," kiran said.
In addition, he stated that ola closed his complaint about the driver in less than an hour and that no further action has been done as of now. kiran was informed that "no action will be taken" against the ola driver in issue by the driver who assisted him in the meantime.
"My son was so shocked that night that he cried out loud as soon as we reached home," he said.

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