In february 2011, Amin Khan, a congress minister in Rajasthan, had said that when indira gandhi lost the prime minister's chair in 1977, pratibha patil used to cook food and wash utensils for her in the kitchen, that is why she was made the President.

The BJP-led national democratic alliance (NDA) has declared draupadi murmu, a tribal community resident of Rairangpur, odisha, as its candidate for the presidential election and her victory is also certain, as the state's ruling party BJD has also supported her. announced to do. chief minister Naveen Patnaik called it a proud moment. After this, people are also remembering pratibha patil, who was the President of india between 2007-12, on social media.

It was the tenure of pratibha patil, during which all the scams took place in the Congress-led UPA government at the Centre. manmohan singh remained like a robot for the entire 10 years as Prime minister, while the real power remained in the hands of the gandhi family. During this time, pratibha patil was also given the title of people's 'rubber stamp'. The President may not take major decisions, but during the tenure of pratibha patil, there is hardly any achievement that is in the mind of the people.

Draupadi Murmu climbed the stairs one by one, got her iron done step by step

As far as draupadi murmu is concerned, her tenure as the governor of jharkhand in 2015-21 was undisputed. She is the second woman who is going to be president. Along with this, the country will get the first President from the tribal society. She is the first tribal woman in the history of india, who rose to the post of governor. She had been living in her village in Rairangpur since her term ended in July 2021. In 2017 too, his name was discussed for the presidential candidature, but then the nda stamped the name of ram Nath Kovind.

After the end of the governor's term, his term was extended for one year in 2020, as a new governor could not be appointed amid the Corona pandemic. She also remained strong as a governor on issues related to tribal affairs, education, law and order and health. He raised these issues and also raised questions on the decisions of the state government, but within the ambit of constitutional decorum and etiquette.

As the governor, she was also the chancellor of the state universities, so the vacant post of the vice chancellor of many universities was filled during her time. She used to organize 'Lok Adalat' for issues related to higher education, in which the problems of more than 5000 university teachers and staff were resolved. He centralized the enrollment process and released the chancellor's portal. He entered politics in 1997.

At that time he was elected as a councilor in the district board of Rairangpur. Prior to this she was working as Honorary Assistant Teacher at Sri Aurobindo Integral education and Research Centre. Then he worked as a junior Assistant in the Irrigation Department. draupadi murmu, a two-time MLA, was also a minister in the BJP-BJD joint state government. The Legislative assembly of odisha honored him with the 'Neelkanth Award' for the best MLA.

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