All North girls are easy moving 

So what do they actually meant by word “EASY”? We haven’t gone deeper into this discussion but we could figure out that South guys think North Indian girls are very easy going and modern. They are Ok with casual sex and they don’t mind in open relationships. This is trash. The films might portray a North Indian girl as most modern but they aren’t actually like that.

Image result for South Indian boys think about North Indian Girls

Their dressing is always flaunt

When we asked a south Indian guy how does he identify a north Indian girl he said “Dressing. They always wear those small dresses and tight one”. Ahem Ahem, Why would one want to judge a person by their dressing? Guys, you have to change this opinion as all North Indian girls don’t wear dresses like that. Only people in metros would dress up like that and that too they dress up in a very decent way.

They are short tempered and noisy 

This should be categorized as another wrong assumption. The North Indian girls are usually independent. They fix to some decision they have taken and they don’t have that sort of wavering mentality. Of course, this might be applicable to only some but major of them. So they might show their tantrums when you actually pick up a fight with them. Guys… which girl on this earth isn’t short tempered the best way to deal is being our best.

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