A Famous comedy Actor Visweswara's shocking death...

The sudden death of actor Vishweshwara Rao, famous for acting as a supporting actor and comedy role in many films, has shocked the film world. The tamil film industry has been losing many talented artists one after the other in recent times. In that way, actor Vivek's death, Mylaswamy's death, mano Bala's death, etc. left the fans in shock. Following this, a couple of days ago, leading villain actor balaji -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>daniel balaji passed away due to a sudden heart attack. With the death of balaji -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>daniel balaji at the age of 48, not only the tamil film industry but also the telugu, Kannada, and malayalam film industries mourned him.
Following this, it has been reported that actor Vishweshwara Rao, who has been acting in tamil and telugu films since the age of 6, has passed away. He has acted in around 150 films as a child star. He has also acted as a comedy actor and character in many tamil films. It is noteworthy that he has also acted in various serials. He has acted in more than 350 films. It is said that the 62-year-old died due to poor health. It is also reported that his funeral will be held tomorrow. It is noteworthy that now his body is kept at his house in Sirucheri, chennai for fans and celebrities to pay their respects.

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