Bengaluru Blast - Unmasking The Deadly isis Module...

Top intelligence sources told CNN-News18 on saturday that the two suspects in the Bengaluru cafe blast, Abdul Matheen Taahaa and Mussavir Hussain Shazib, have been absconding since 2020, when Islamic State's Al Hind module came to the attention of indian agencies. It was later busted, with 18 people being apprehended in Karnataka, Kerala, and tamil Nadu.

They claimed that Khwaja Moiuddin of tamil Nadu, who was associated with Mehboob Pasha of Karnataka, was the key figure, and that his associates included Shazib and Taahaa. Moiuddin, along with his youthful companions Samat and Nasir, desired to migrate to afghanistan and Pakistan. When they left, they were detained in Nepal. According to the reports, these were minor figures in Al Hind before going on the run and rising to prominence. Shazib and Taahaa provided them with sanctuary after Moiuddin's bunch of young people killed a Kanyakumari police inspector earlier. 

According to intelligence officials, Shazib and Taahaa made contact with Lashkar-e-Taiba handlers in pakistan after they fled, with the intention of carrying out explosions in other parts of India. The sources further stated that the operatives had been living away from home for almost four years and were largely subsisting on the money supplied by Lashkar through the use of cryptocurrencies. They claimed that these operatives were involved in the march 1 blast in Bengaluru's well-known Rameshwaram Cafe, which left nine people injured. The blast occurred shortly after the 2022 Mangaluru autorickshaw blast. The sources said that they were also connected to a november 2020 pro-terror graffiti case in Mangaluru.

Mohammed Shariq and Maaz Muneer Ahmed, who were from the town of Thirthahalli in the Shivamogga region of Karnataka, were directly implicated in the case. Eight persons were taken into custody when Shariq's module was discovered. According to insiders, the planner and the other operators made the decision to go into the field because they were skilled in creating improvised explosive devices, or IEDs.

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