Priyanka Gandhi's "Ram Navami" critique of the BJP...?

According to priyanka gandhi Vadra, the leader of the congress party, the Bhartiya Janata party will not win more than 180 seats in a fair election. congress leader priyanka gandhi Vadra rejected the BJP's "400 paar" slogan for the lok sabha elections on Wednesday, asserting that the ruling alliance will not even win 180 seats. Inquiring as to whether "they have done something" and are aware of the outcome beforehand, priyanka gandhi questioned the foundation of the BJP's assertion that it won more than 400 seats in the Lok Sabha.

Are they astrologers and if so, on what grounds are they claiming to get 400? They either know they will be able to secure more than 400 seats or they have taken some prior action. "How can they claim to have 400 seats if not?" she questioned. "I am confident that they will not win more than 180 seats if the elections in this country are conducted without any tampering with electronic voting machines," the leader of the congress stated.

Priyanka gandhi traveled to saharanpur in order to rally support for Congressman Imran Masood, who is running against Majid ali of the BSP and Raghav Lakhanpal, the current bjp MP. priyanka claimed she was not a "astrologer" but believed the opposition india alliance will win a "good number of seats" when asked to forecast how many seats they would win. The congress leader asserted that the people want change and that PM Modi has lost touch with them, saying that they have not witnessed any progress in their lives during the last ten years.

"People are in need of change. This kind of politics is not what they desire. There has been no improvement in the standard of living for the average man or woman during the last ten years. They are not finding employment, and the rate of inflation is rising. It is festival season. It's ram Navami today. Nobody has enough money to purchase anything. He stays silent on inflation and unemployment. I believe that those in his immediate vicinity are keeping this from him. He doesn't connect with people," she remarked.

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