Chandrababu made a Big Mistake in that..!?

A leader must be well-versed in poll management to win. There are some key points in phone management. The first of which is the leader reaching out to every voter. tdp and ycp were successful in both matters. The second is to make the guarantees clear. tdp has given the manifesto to the people with excessive promises. It is a loss for the party. It is good to give a convincing manifesto, but if you do this, it will actually backfire. In fact, jagan is already implementing many welfare schemes. Even if Chandrababu says a few more things from him, they seem excessive.

One of the most important aspects of phone management is the distribution of funds. It is said that ycp is successful but TDP is faltering. It seems that Jagan himself gave Rs.30 to Rs.35 crores to each constituency. It is said that jagan has sent Rs. 35 crores to places where there are more people from sc and st communitiesHeard that 90 percent of the money sent by jagan has been received by the people. On the other hand, tdp sent Rs.10 crore to each constituency. assembly and mp candidates have been called to contribute Rs.10 and Rs.5 crore respectively. It means that they have planned to limit the amount almost like jagan in one constituency. Authority itself does not carry all this weight. They forced money from the hands of the candidates.

  But the richest of the candidates could put in 10 crores but the rest could not do that. They already gave money to the head for the seat. Again they could not give money from their own hands for the people. Due to this money shortage, tdp could not give 2000 rupees to voters everywhere. If jagan distributed money for voting from Rs.2000 to Rs.3000, Chandrababu distributed Rs.2000 in some places, Rs.1500 in some places, and Rs.1000 in some places. Jagan's iPack team ensured that the money reached all the people without pressing a single rupee. Chandrababu gave it to the leaders. Some of those leaders put money in their pockets and put holes in people's pockets. Generally, no voter will vote if money is not givenMoney must be given. If given 100 votes, there is a possibility of getting at least 100 votes. Chandrababu seems to have lost in that regard. Chandrababu has failed in this matter of money management, but has a lot of experience.

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