Many telangana workers are flocking to israel to assist alleviate a workforce shortage caused by the continuing conflict with Palestine's terrorist outfit Hamas. After a four-day event in hyderabad that ended on Friday, 2,209 people applied for construction employment in Israel. According to The indian Express, 905 people were picked to work in israel after completing competence tests. They would be included to the West Asian country's foreign labour force.

The state government sponsored this recruitment campaign with the assistance of the National Skill Development Corporation international (NSDCI). Carpenters, ceramic tilers, plasterers, and iron benders are the kind of labour recruited in Telangana. Many indians are prepared to labour in the war-torn region since Israel's building business pays well, according to the indian Express. The recruitment team has said that each worker will receive between ₹1.2 lakh and ₹1.38 lakh per month, which is much higher than the typical salary for qualified professionals in India.

The telangana recruiting event was the third in india this year. india and israel have an arrangement under which israel recruits people from india after assessing their abilities and then brings them to israel to work. Similar recruitment drives took place in Uttar Pradesh and haryana in january of this year. According to sources, such recruiting drives are anticipated to be launched in Rajasthan, Bihar, and Maharashtra.

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