During a heartfelt talk with HAUTERRFLY, shruti haasan shared her thoughts on women who work in the film industry while facing the difficulties of menstruation. The actress disclosed the number of women who have cramps and menstruation even when filming. The actress admitted, "I still get really bad cramps." Actors find it challenging to execute dances or acrobatics during this period. She went on to say that in these kinds of situations, actors don't feel or look their best and sometimes even feel bloated.
Speaking more specifically about the issues women face during menstruation, shruti stated that greater awareness in that area would be very beneficial. She went so far as to characterise it as a two-edged sword, saying that although women constantly struggle with their bodies, those bodies are only doing their natural functions.
Shruti continued her conclusion by saying that while some women, like herself, enjoy comfortable periods, many do not. Because it may be so painful, all they want is something warm to cuddle with while they weep a little.