Not all of Riya Sen's fame comes from her roles in hindi movies. Her name is also well-known in Tamil, Telugu, and bengali film. Even at 43, she still exudes charm and attractiveness. When riya sen was seventeen years old in 1998, she made her music video debut in Falguni Pathak's "Yaad Piya Ki Aane Lagi."
Still, riya sen began her cinematic career much earlier. riya sen made her cinematic debut as her real mother's daughter when she was five years old. She acted as a child actor in the 1991 motion picture "Vishkanya." In her cinematic career, "Style" became her first commercial breakthrough in 2001.
'Jhankaar Beats' (2003) and the horror thriller 'Ananthabhadram' (2005) are two of her well-known flicks.
The fact that riya sen is a member of a royal family is not well known. Her father, Bharat Dev Varma, is a member of the Tripuran royal dynasty. He was the nephew of Maharani gayatri Devi of jaipur and the son of Ila Devi, a princess of Cooch Behar. Both her grandma Suchitra Sen and mother moon moon sen were well-known, accomplished performers. Raima Sen, her sister, is an actor as well.
Even though Riya Sen's career was booming, a lot of talk also centered on her personal life. salman Rushdie and akshaye khanna were connected to Riya Sen. Her name was also connected to Sreesanth, a former cricket player from India.
She had a very important friendship with the actor Ashmit Patel. An MMS between the two of them was released during their relationship, which sparked a lot of controversy. riya sen was accused by several of purposefully sharing her MMS. As a result, Riya Sen's career took a severe turn downhill.
Over the years, riya sen has appeared in several foreign-language films. She continues to produce shows for several OTT platforms, but she is currently unable to reach the same degree of fame as she formerly did.
In terms of her private life, shivam Tewari and riya sen were wed in august 2017. The pair exchanged vows in a discreet Hindu bengali ceremony.