How many people in the country are involved in drug use?

The latest figures provided by the indian government about drug usage are startling. These numbers indicate that over 10 per cent of indians are afflicted with mental illnesses such as psychosis, neurosis, and depression. In addition, 15% of the nation's 1000 residents use narcotics. At least 25 out of every 1000 individuals suffer from long-term alcohol misuse. That indicates that the individual regularly consumes alcohol.

How did things stand five years ago?

As per research published in february 2019 by the National Drug Dependence Treatment, the majority of individuals in india who used various drugs were alcohol consumers. At that point, 14.6 per cent of drug addicts worldwide also had an alcohol addiction. Next in order of consumption were intoxicants (1.8%), opium (2.1%), ganja (2.8%), and intoxicating substances (1.8%).

In 14 years, the consumption of opium has climbed five times.

The consumption of opium in india has increased five times between 2004 and 2018, according to a report released by the National Drug Dependence Treatment (NDDT) AIIMS in february 2019. This report claims that 90 lakh indian women drink alcohol. In addition, 20 lakh women use opium, and 40 lakh women use cannabis. According to the survey, one in every sixteen indian women and one in five indian males suffer from alcohol addiction.

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