Avoid: Caffeinated drinks

Turn down the volume of coffee one of the main drinks you need to avoid during the period. It increases blood pressure and heart rate leading to tension and anxiety attacks and in turn, worsening the PMS symptoms.

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Avoid: Processed foods

Frozen foods, fast foods, bacon, pickles, canned soups, papad etc. come with unknown ingredients and preservatives that aren’t the best foods during the period. They can interfere with hormones and amplify PMS discomfort. Instead, have homemade meals, lots of salads and veggies, and heart and tummy warming foods like khichadi and porridge.

Avoid: Dairy products

This might come as a surprise to you but dairy products like milk, cream and cheese aren’t recommended. They are high in arachidonic acid which can act as a trigger for menstrual cramps. Instead, choose buttermilk and toned milk both of which are recommended period food.

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