What are the Major requests of farmer organizations...?

Farmer organizations demand the cancellation of all cases or lawsuits filed against them during the preceding movement. Jobs and compensation should be provided to the families of the labourers and farmers who lost their lives during that struggle. Ordinances or other measures should not be used to carry out the electricity Amendment Bill's provisions because of the numerous complaints raised by farmers over the bill's transfer of electricity ownership to private entities. In addition, farmers' associations insist that rules pertaining to pollution should not include the agriculture industry.

Emphasis on ensuring the lowest possible support cost

The only two demands out of all of them on which farmer organizations and the central government cannot agree are loan waivers and laws guaranteeing minimum support prices for crops. The government disagrees on a few other matters as well, but if it accepts the MSP issues, maybe the farmer organizations will compromise on the other points of contention.

Why, after all, did the farmers stage another protest?

Amidst the lok sabha elections, farmers' associations are revitalizing the 'Delhi Chalo' campaign to exert pressure on the Central Government. The primary demand is the creation of a law pertaining to the assurance of MSP. Farmer organizations also claim that the migration was delayed in light of the government's pledge, rather than being terminated completely in december 2021. The Modi administration has promised the farmers things, but after more than two years, they have not delivered on their pledges, forcing the farmers to revert to activism.

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