Pakistan has MIRV technology...

Pakistan is involved in the race for MIRV missiles. It launched the MIRV-capable Ababil medium-range ballistic missile in 2017. Besides, it is also purchasing Hangor class submarine from China, which will be capable of carrying Pakistani Babur-3 nuclear arm cruise missile. On april 26, the Hangor class submarine prepared for pakistan was launched in China. Now the remaining submarines will be made in pakistan only. It is equipped with an air Independent Propulsion (AIP), which increases its life underwater.

Shawn Rostaker, a research analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in Washington, believes that india and pakistan are just a few years away from deploying nuclear weapons on the border, given their growing military power. He says that within a few years missiles will be deployed under the sea also. However, it may take time for them to become nuclear capable. In the year 2018, India's indigenous Arihant class nuclear submarine completed its first patrol and in 2022, a successful test was also conducted with the ballistic missile.

Israel has nuclear weapons

Israel is one of the most powerful countries in the world in terms of weapons. Although he has always denied the use of nuclear weapons, it is believed that he has or is preparing MIRV technology. israel launched the German-made submarine in august last year. Experts believe that these Israeli submarines are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, which makes it the only nuclear power in the Middle East. However, it is said about iran that its uranium facility has enough uranium to make 12 nuclear weapons and it can make a nuclear bomb within 6 months.

Talking about nuclear weapons, America and russia are spending money on modernizing their Cold war nuclear weapons. At the same time, China's army is also busy increasing its capabilities. For the first time since the Cold war, America has deployed mid-range ballistic missiles against the Philippines. Philippines has also purchased BrahMos anti-shipping missiles from india, the first batch of which reached Manila last month in April.

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