This research has been done by an international team of psychologists led by researchers associated with Lancaster University.

After a breakup, the heart of men gets hurt more than women. This has been revealed in the results of a research of the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 

This research has been done by an international team of psychologists led by researchers associated with Lancaster University. 

It is believed to be the first of its kind Big Data Analysis on relationship-related problems.

More than one lakh people were involved in research

Charlotte Entwistle, the lead researcher involved in this research, says, 'We wanted to understand not only what problems common people face in relationships, but also our aim was to know who faces more problems.

Using processing methods, the team analyzed the psychological characteristics of more than 1,84,000 people who had posted their relationship problems on an anonymous online platform. 

Researchers studied the problems encountered in each post and learned about the most common problems faced in the relationship.

Effect of breakup on men

According to the results of the study, communication-related problems are the most common problems faced in the relationship. 

About 1 in 5 people said communication problems. At the same time, 1 out of 8 people told about the problems related to trust in their relationship. 

During this, emotional strength between men and women was also studied. The results revealed that men shared more experiences related to heartbreak than women. 

Its impact on him was also comparatively more profound. This shows that breakup or separation has a profound effect on men too.

This way problems can be avoided

Traditionally, women have been more likely to recognize relationship problems than men, say the researchers. 

When you look away from traditional and societal views, you will know that men are as emotionally attached in relationships as women. 

Researchers say that developing an accurate picture of relationship problems helps us understand why our When and where do things go wrong in relationships? Doing so potentially helps the couple avoid problems.

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