Priya Bapat Marati actress is on news for making abused comments on her co star and that too in public makes this a hot topic of Indian film industry. She called her co star Stupid and Brainless which hurts co star a lot and Aniket Vishwasrao ( Co-star who got abused ) stated this in media and war turned public now.  Both stars are listing open challenges to each other and media is also covering this topic as a hot one, Will Priya Bapat come down and say sorry is major headline of Marati entertainment channels. Reporting on this one of film unit member said "Well there is nothing nasty going on between the two on a personal level. It is just the situation in the film which get Priya frustrated as Aniket's character is unable to understand her gestures. Hence she breaks into a song and dance in the song 'Bhairu'. Aniket said, She can't call me mad and stupid to my face, this word bhairu was coined by our writer." 

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