The Garfield movie : Screen Review

Here is a review of the animated film "The Garfield Movie" directed by Mark Tyndall of The chicken Little fame.

A cat named Garfield lives in luxury at John's house.

A dog named Odi joins in and plays pranks.

Two dogs kidnap Garfield and Odie, who live free without the worry of separation from their father.

After that Garfield along with his father Vic has to complete the task given by Jinx the cat.

Did Garfield do it? The rest of the story of the film is why Jinx gave him the task.

Analysis of the film
Directed by Mark Tindall, Garfield is a 3D film for children and will appeal to everyone from children to adults.

All the dialogues in tamil dubbing are laughable.

The scene where the sketch is like a scene from Mission Impossible is the pinnacle of comedy.

Also the director has done some teasing like mentioning the name of tom Cruise.

A flashback scene of Garfiled being abandoned by his father Vic as a child.

Also, the climactic scene in the style of a james bond movie is amazing.

The elegance of the animation

Comedy scenes

Screenplay that appeals to children

Nothing major.

All in all, The Garfield movie is a must-win for the kids to enjoy during the summer vacation.

Rating : 3.5/5

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