When it comes to politics, each district has its local hero and in Nellore the Anam brothers are quite famous. While the elder brother Anam Ramnarayan Reddy is rather sober and carries himself in a class way, his younger brother Anam Vivekananda Reddy is the more flamboyant and locally popular person.  Anam Viveka has also been the darling of the media since a long time because of his antics and whenever something special happens in Nellore he is there to present himself in the most entertaining way. In between, Viveka was out of everyone’s focus and sources say he was going through a health issue.  But now it is heard that he is back and will start showing his presence from June onwards. Compared to his brother, Viveka has more mass following in Nellore and its surrounding areas. Whether he has a goodwill or not we will know this time when the elections take place in 2014.

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