PM Modi's popularity is increasing with each passing second and opposition parties and the rival leaders are at their wits end as to how to tame PM Modi and the ruling BJP. In the meantime PM Modi and BJP president Amit Shah set their sights to increase their party strength expanding it down south in the runup to the 2019 elections. 

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Amit Shah is concentrating on Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is concentrating more on Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and recently he took on Telangana CM KCR and accused him of not using the central funds for the development of the state. 

In the meantime KCR too went ballistic and attacked Amit Shah though he refrained from attacking PM Modi. He questioned how could Amit Shah criticise his government and the schemes when PM Modi himself praised them. 

KCR even in internal party meetings said he conducted a survey based on which TRS will sweep the elections winning 111 out of 119 seats and other parties like TDP and BJP will draw a blank. He said MIM will get 6 seats and Congress will win 2 in the assembly. 

He said in the survey TRS will win 16 of the 17 MP seats while MIM's Asaduddin Owaisi will win from Hyderabad. But many are wondering whether KCR can tame Modi in his den and many say KCR is exaggerating the survey findings. 

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